
Friday, January 28, 2011

More than we ask or imagine!

All of the children from Sebeta (that we had information for) have been sponsored! I have received so many comments and emails from people showing their excitement for this opportunity. And of course some thrilling emails from the wonderful staff of Yezelalem Minch, who are so excited to see God moving like this.

But even more than excitement, the last email I received from them shows a response that somewhat surprised me at first. But it is absolutely Christ centered and demonstrates the depth of their faith. Here is an excerpt.

There is something else we want to inform you; when we have seen the mighty hand of God on the united Parkview church and Yezelalem Minch, we are not only overwhelmed by a great joy or worshiping and Adoring the almighty God ,but also we fear Him. When we realized that the mercy of Him is on us and He is so close to us (more than our expectation), the fear of the Lord came upon us.

I think the fear of the Lord is something that gets missed by much of the American church, especially the post modern, "seeker friendly" version. But in every example in the bible of people who came close to the glory of God, they fall prostrate and the fear and reverence is unmistakable.

May God continue to draw close to us as we draw close to Him, and may we hold on to this promise:
"Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them." John 14:21

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Almost there!

Another wonderful day of matching sponsors to children thought Yezelalem Minch and Helps International Ministry! We started the day with approximately 100 children still needing sponsors. We ended the day with around 30 remaining.

Hopefully after next week, all of the children at the Sebeta branch will be covered.

This has been a wonderful experience! I love hearing people at church come and say "thank you so much for giving us this opportunity!"

I would strongly encourage other churches to do a sponsorship drive like this. If anyone needs help or ideas I would love to help out!


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Phone calls from loved ones.

There is nothing like getting a phone call from your dear friends in Ethiopia! Just a few minutes ago I got a delightful call from Birtukan and Nesibu, expressing their joy and giving thanks for the amazing way God has been moving in our church.  140 children sponsored in one weekend and a very large Thanksgiving Offering will do wonders to continue to fuel this amazing ministry.

To God be the Glory!

Safe water

I forgot to post these pictures before.  In September, when the team from Parkview went to Ethiopia we were able to take over two water purification units.  I trained a couple folks on staff with Yezelalem Minch on the operation and left it in their capable hands.

They are successfully using these units at Sebeta and Holeta!  These pictures show the joy that safe drinking water can bring.  Something we so easily take for granted in the US.

The are able to purify the water that gets used at there facility as well as fill water containers for the people they serve!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sponsorship Day at Parkview

It was an exciting day today, as 140 children were sponsored at our church through Yezelalem Minch! Sponsorship will mean that these children will have hope because their school fees will be paid, school uniforms and supplies purchased for them, shoes and clothes, and annual medical checkups.

Praise God and keep praying for the rest of the 101 children from the Sebeta Project to get sponsored in the coming weeks.


Monday, January 3, 2011

Verses Version 2

Slight change to the video...consider it a remix :)


Hot off the presses...I just made this video, sitting in my hotel room in Toronto. I might try to clean it up on my better computer, but feel free to leave comments if you have ideas.

Those sweet voices are two of my beautiful children.